I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus and count them but rubbish.

Archive for the ‘Cumberland Mountain Outreach’ Category

Mission Trip Notes: The Real Thing

July 22, 2008

In Acts 2 & 4 we read of what the 1st Century church was like at Jerusalem. We read of a gathering of believers who were a true community. They did things together daily in a very close and personal way. Ways that produced close community and a togetherness that set a perfect example of […]

Mission Trip Notes: I Tried

July 19, 2008

On mission trips often times you are taken away from things that though not bad might be good to either get used to not doing as much or not do at all. On the trip there is no tv, radio, distractions and for me COFFEE! Now I did have a cup here and there. But […]

Mission Trip Notes: When They Get It

July 19, 2008

Above is the team of Southside Christian Church and El Bethel Christian Church serving at the Church of Christ. As a trip coordinator and subsequent recruiter one of the hardest things to do it tell people adequately what it is like to go on a mission trip. What it feels like and what excitement awaits […]

Mission Trip to Beattyville, Ky Update

July 16, 2008

As previously stated in my other blog entry (click here)we took at trip down to Beattyville, Ky and worked on a familes house that needed to be completed b/c the husband/father of the house was disabled. We also were blessed to work with a local church and do a VBS with them. Here is a […]

Mission Trip to Beattyville, Ky

July 4, 2008

The long awaited trip is here. We are headed down to Beattyville, Kyon a Mission Trip. Beattyville and its neighbor Booneville have been the trip destination of Teen Mission, USA for several years now. This is an area that God has opened up and is open to serving with building projects, Kids events and other […]